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Summer Triple Report

July 3 - 5, 2021

What a great excuse to hold a triple, July 4th
Three great courses in three days all for good fun and to make sure Scotty got his Hall of Fame status.  (333 marathons) You see that is why we do these races.  To connect as runners and get our numbers for maniacs or the 300 plus club.  Thank you Chris (husband) and Aurora (daughter) for helping mom do what she loves.

Now what to feed the runners. Well it’s summertime so something cold and sweet so popsicles, sundaes and floats sounds about right.  We had people joining us from Texas and California and of course across the great northwest.  Next time we will also offer something savory as salt was a need in all the sun.  The woodals were inspired by my first job at Baskin and Robbins.  A triple scoop was the epitome of ice cream indulgence. So the woodals reflected that.  Thank you Matt for such wonderful creations.

I am so glad to report that everyone finished their races and didn’t get lost and enjoyed a lot of otter pops, popsicles, ice cream and root beer and orange soda floats. Thank you all for checking out the courses and running and having fun.  RAH FUN!